Joomla!® is great so we stick to the core!
No need for “F2C compatible”, F2C is “Joomla compatible”. We create 100% native Joomla articles.        

Form2Content News Blog

In between maintaining documentation, providing support and testing new features we'll try and update this blog with what's on our mind and where we are heading with F2C. If you have an interesting guest contribution, by all means let us know!

Form2Content getting ready for Joomla 4

Form2Content is getting ready for Joomla 4.

The recent release of Form2Content Pro 6.17 has a lot of work done under the hood. These changes have been to remove legacy code but also to improve the structure of the extension for future improvements. At the same time we are working hard to make sure Form2Content and the extensions will be ready for Joomla 4. Not just the compatibility layer but Joomla 4 native. This has been proven to be a lot of work but we hope it will pay out in the long run.

Form2Content development

In order to let everyone know what we are up to we have added a develeopment plan page to our documentation website. Please visit to see further information about the versions and expected features.

Form2Content is ready for Joomla 3.5

The upcoming release of Joomla 3.5 always raises the questions of extensions being compatible. The short answer is YES, Form2Content works on Joomla 3.5.

We will continue testing F2C and make any necessary changes if needed. We will also keep offering the same functionality as the core Joomla article manager, be it with the extended functions of Form2Content. Any questions or suggestions, as usual we look forward to hearing them via the forum.

Rich (structured) Content in Joomla articles

Adding structured content (used for Open Graph, Twitter Cards, Pinterest Rich Pins) can be a big plus for your Joomla articles and website as a whole. Google even provides insight into your structured content via Google Webmaster.

Adding the necessary metadata in Joomla has however always been tricky. This especially so if you are using dynamic content submission like a Content Construction Kit (CCK).

Form2Content now supports the creation of automated rich content meta tags for Open Graph, Twitter Cards, Pinterest Rich Pins and Read how this can be easily set up on your Joomla website using our just released F2C Metadata Injector plugin.

Want to see the effect in action? Click on the read more link and share the page on FB, Twitter, Pinterest .... or just look in the header code ;).

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Form2Content at Joomla days Netherlands

The Dutch Joomla days always provide a great opportunity to meet and greet and see what's going on with Joomla. We will be present this year on Saturday the 11th of April. Let us know if you would like to meet!

Making F2C field types plugin based

Since the first release of Form2Conten was for Joomla 1.0 there have been a huge amount of changes. One question remained, can users add their own field types. This is something Julien has now been working on!

The F2C fields for submitting data for the Joomla article are at the very core of the component. As you can probably imagine, changing this requires a huge amount of re-coding (re-factoring I believe is the correct term).
The first battle has been won and we are now in the process of testing the release which will make adding custom field types possible. With the many features, think import/export, updating, F2C Search and KML integration and much more we need to do some thorough testing.

Things are looking good so far so by all means start thinking about which field types you like to see or add to Form2Content. Feel free to share too, maybe we use it as a demo example for our documentation!

New F2C website!

It's always more work than anticipated but we hope (and think) the results are worth it. The new Form2Content website includes some nice updates:

  • Download Form2Content LITE without registration
  • Clear & simple navigation
  • New subscription model for Form2Content Pro
  • Download & print invoice
  • All downloadable products presented orderly
  • Overall performance increase
  • Fully responsive layout

We will continue to add information & updates about Form2Content and all the nice things you can do with it!


New F2C Pro subscription model

With the new Form2Content website comes a new F2C Pro subscription model. The old F2C Pro domain license system has been replaced by a more modern and flexible unlimited-domain time subscription based model. We have made this choice for several reasons and would like to share them with you.

IMPORTANT: The FREE and quick support (we do our best) for both F2C LITE and PRO will remain the same!

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Joomla 3.3, Mootools and Form2Content

Joomla is slowly switching from Mootools to JQuery. As many things depend on this it is a gradual process. The Joomla article manager has always used Mootools, as a result F2C has had to use it too. In Joomla 3.3 Mootools is still loaded by default. You can use different plugins to remove Mootools but than the F2C frond-end (based on Joomla Article Manager) no longer works. To allow Mootools just being loaded for F2C and other extensions which might require it you the following extension.

As soon as JAM works with JQuery we will update F2C too, leaving Mootools behind at last.

F2C for Joomla 3.0 stable

Joomla 3.x compatible compat_f2c_pro Form2Content Lite compatible Form2Content LITE (version 5.x) and PRO (version 6.x) for Joomla 3.0 are stable. As more people start using it there might be some exotic conflicts arising but so far the component is stable.


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